My practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your personal health information as part of providing professional care. I am required by law to keep your information private. How I use and disclose your protected health information is with your consent (with the exception of The Limits of Confidentiality). I will use the information I collect about you mainly to provide you with treatment, to arrange payment for services, and for some other business activities that are called, in the law, health care operations.
After you have read this notice I will ask you to sign a consent form to let me use and share your information in these ways. If you do not consent and sign this form, I cannot treat you. If I want to use or send, share, or release your information for other purposes, I will discuss this with you and ask you to sign an authorization form to allow this.
There are sometimes when the laws require me to use or share your information.
For example:
Your rights regarding your health information:
You can file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All complaints must be in writing. Filing a complaint will not change the health care I provide to you in any way. Also, you may have other rights that are granted to you by the laws of our state, and these may be the same as or different from the rights described above. I will be happy to discuss these situations with you now or as they arise.
The effective date of this notice is: May 28, 2024.
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